Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Lord give me strength that I faint not
When things don't go my way,
But rather rest upon Your word,
And trust in You each day.

I know my worries make me week,
And naught I stand to gain,
But I am frail and human, Lord,
And panic under strain.

Help me believe, dear Lord, that I
Am always in Your care,
And when I am in need of help,
You surely will be there.

Published in The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, September 1993.

Monday, 18 May 2015

The Good Samaritan

There was a man our Lord say,
Who walked to Jericho one day,
Whom thieves attacked and left half dead,
With none to save him while they fled.

A priest that very road did take;
He sadly did no effort make
To render help, but gave one eye,
And on the other side walked by.

It happened that a Levite came,
Who went to him but what a shame!
With solemn face and pious air,
He looked on him and left him there.

Then came a good Samaritan,
Who stopped to help the dying man;
With Love and care his wounds he dressed,
And took him to an inn to rest.

The haughty Jews with contempt treat,
Samaritans they chance to meet;
Yet this Samaritan we read,
Reached out to help a Jew in need.

Christ told this parable that we
Like that Samaritan should be,
Who to a stranger in his need,
Was neighbour and a friend in deed.

Published in The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, June 1996.

A Meaningful Easter

Ponder why our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ was crucified,
Why He went through untold sorrow,
Why it was He bled and died.

For a moment then consider,
How the cross could not restrain
Him, who rose again victorious,
Having conquered death and pain.

Was it not for us He suffered?
Was it not that we might live?
Was it not for our redemption
That His life He came to give?

Verily for us He suffered,
Underserving though we are,
That we might obtain salvation,
Through His wondrous grace and power.

For our sins the price was settled,
When our Lord was crucified,
Now He lives and is our refuge,
Where in safety we can hide.

On our part we should acknowledge
All our wrongs, and sin no more;
And our lives to Him surrender,
Trust and serve Him evermore.

Published in The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, April 1996.

Thank You, Dear Lord (Specially for Children)

Thank you, dear Lord, that I can see;
Help me to use my eyes for Thee,
That I behold Thee everywhere,
And know Your wondrous love and care.

Thank you, dear Lord, that I can hear;
Teach me that I need nothing fear,
When I pay heed to all You say,
And willingly Your call obey.

Thank you, dear Lord, that I can raise
My voice to You in joyful praise,
For lips and tongue to speak of Thee,
And tell of all you've done for me.

Thank you, dear Lord, for hands and feet,
For heart and mind, my life complete.
Help me like Jesus Lord to be,
And live my life, each day, for Thee.

Published in The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, May 1996.

The Meaning of Christmas

More like Christ Jesus may we be,
And more for others live,
As God taught us on Christmas day,
When He, His Son did give.

May we see Christ in manger born,
With comforts all denied,
Who left the glory of His home,
And came our steps to guide.

Christ gave up everything He had,
And lived for you and me,
His sacrificial love for us
Took Him to Calvary.

May Christ's example touch our hears,
And help us to perceive,
That greater far it is for us
To give, than to receive.

Published in The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, December 1995.


Don't ever lose your temper,
Else later you will grieve,
For temper lost can never gain
What kindness can achieve.

The foolish lose their temper
And kindle needless strife,
But he who's wise will when provoked,
Let Christ control his life.

Trust Him with full surrender,
Your temper He'll subdue,
And other will be drawn to God,
Through Christ who's seen in you.

Published in The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, October 1995.


What's special about Christmas?
Why do the church bells ring?
To welcome in our hearts with joy
The birth of Christ our King.

But what's become of Christmas?
Christ do we entertain?
Or have we made His holy birth
A festival for gain?

Self-centred in our outlook,
Our Lord we fail to see,
While celebrating Christmas,
With pomp and gaiety.

God's love came down at Christmas,
In search of you and me,
To save us from the hold of sin
And give us victory.

What can make Christmas special,
And bring true joy and peace?
Submission to the Lord alone,
On humble, thankful knees.

Published - The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, December 1994