Showing posts with label obey call. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obey call. Show all posts

Monday, 18 May 2015

Thank You, Dear Lord (Specially for Children)

Thank you, dear Lord, that I can see;
Help me to use my eyes for Thee,
That I behold Thee everywhere,
And know Your wondrous love and care.

Thank you, dear Lord, that I can hear;
Teach me that I need nothing fear,
When I pay heed to all You say,
And willingly Your call obey.

Thank you, dear Lord, that I can raise
My voice to You in joyful praise,
For lips and tongue to speak of Thee,
And tell of all you've done for me.

Thank you, dear Lord, for hands and feet,
For heart and mind, my life complete.
Help me like Jesus Lord to be,
And live my life, each day, for Thee.

Published in The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, May 1996.