With grief I thought on what I heard,
About a boy who disappeared:
His mother's only child was he,
Whose tale she told sorrowfully.
She brought him up with love and care,
At home, at school and everywhere,
And made him grow to be a man,
When Satan had a different plan.
The seeds of sin caused him to stray,
And from his home he ran away:
With tears his mother for him sought,
And night and day of him she thought.
I wondered with that boy in mind,
About our Lord who for mankind
Did everything, and gave His Son,
That we with Him might live as one.
Yes we indulge in sinful deeds,
To satisfy our lust and greed.
How anguished must our Saviour be
O'er each lost soul He died to free.
That thought alone should make us turn
From sin and to the Lord return,
To give Him joy and hear Him say,
"My child, well done! come with Me stay."
Published in The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, April 2010.
About a boy who disappeared:
His mother's only child was he,
Whose tale she told sorrowfully.
She brought him up with love and care,
At home, at school and everywhere,
And made him grow to be a man,
When Satan had a different plan.
The seeds of sin caused him to stray,
And from his home he ran away:
With tears his mother for him sought,
And night and day of him she thought.
I wondered with that boy in mind,
About our Lord who for mankind
Did everything, and gave His Son,
That we with Him might live as one.
Yes we indulge in sinful deeds,
To satisfy our lust and greed.
How anguished must our Saviour be
O'er each lost soul He died to free.
That thought alone should make us turn
From sin and to the Lord return,
To give Him joy and hear Him say,
"My child, well done! come with Me stay."
Published in The magazine of St. Andrew's Church, (The KIRK) Chennai
Kirkspire, April 2010.